
Άλλη μια πρωτοτυπία της Ελλάδας

As signatories to the UBS petition over their underwriting of PetroChina, we were wondering whether you may be able to help us out with the following campaign. We are trying to build pressure within European countries for EU sanctions on Sudan. These sanctions are linked to the indictments issued by the International Criminal Court on two Sudanese war crimes suspects (Ahmed Haroun and Ali Kushayeb) and focus on expanding the list of individuals to be sanctioned on the basis of non-cooperation with the ICC.

It has been suggested that the countries who would not support EU sanctions against Sudan are Germany, Italy, Austria and Greece. We are therefore hoping to be able to influence these countries (as well as the UK and France) ahead of the EU GAERC meeting due to take place on June 16th, where compliance with the ICC will be discussed. We were wondering if any of you represent human rights organisations who may be able to take this on or, if you could suggest any organisations that we could contact? Any help or advice you could offer would be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Victoria Pearse

Economic Advocacy Coordinator
Aegis Trust
07895 113320 (mob)
020 7613 5258 (office)